Beauty Hair Health Salon Skinlab by K Československé armády 788/16, Prague 6, Bubeneč 160 00

BOOKING: / +420 730 191 066


Monday 8:30am – 7:00pm friday 8:00am – 5:00pm

Tuesday – thrusday 10:00am – 7:00pm 

Or by Appointment only


Cash, QR code payment, gift voucher.

All events, offers and news can be found on the social network:

Facebook Skinlab By K Instagram skinlabbyk

WHERE TO FIND US: the Skinlab by K Salon is located on the ground floor of the house no.1. You can reach it by bus, no.108, stop station Radnice Praha 6, underground station – Dejvická or Hradčanská, by train Prague-Dejvice station or by car, park on a street.